Zaida Maldonado Pérez

Zaida Maldonado Pérez is Dean of the School of Urban Ministries on the Florida Dunnam campus of Asbury Theological Seminary and professor of church history and theology. A native of Puerto Rico, Zaida earned an M.Div. from Eden Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in historical theology from Saint Louis University. Prior to joining the Asbury faculty, she taught at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, and was Director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative, a program of the Pew Charitable Trusts, housed at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is co-author with Justo L. González of An Introduction to Christian Theology and has written on various subjects including the Trinity, the legacy of the early church for evangélica/os and, the recruiting and retaining of Latino/a seminarians. Her ministry experience includes conferencing, preaching and teaching in Spanish and English-speaking communities. She is a member of the United Church of Christ, is married to Chaplain CDR Luis A. Pérez, and has two grown children, Jazzlin Ruth and Alexander Luis.

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