Laurence W. Wood

Laurence W. Wood was the Frank Paul Morris Professor of Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky. Dr. Wood also taught philosophy at Roberts Wesleyan College and Houghton College prior to his present position. He was editor of The Asbury Theological Journal for nineteen years. He served in pastoral ministry for eight years in Kentucky and Indiana prior to his academic teaching positions. His areas of expertise include systematic theology, contemporary theology, Wesleyan theology and Wesley Studies. He previously served as the Academic Coordinator for the London School of Theology/Asbury Theological Seminary Affiliate Ph.D. Degree Program. He has written numerous books and contributed chapters to books and articles for academic journals. His journal article, “Recent Brain Research and the Mind-Body Dilemma,” was selected by Christianity Today as the best article in systematic theology (1988) and republished in The Best in Theology, ed.James I. Packer and Paul Fromer (Carol Stream, Illinois: Christianity Today, Inc. 1988). His book The Meaning of Pentecost in Early Methodism, Rediscovering John Fletcher as John Wesley’s Vindicator and Designated Successor was the winner of the Smith-Wynkoop 2003 Book of the Year award presented by the Wesleyan Theological Society.

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