Donald E. Demaray was the Senior Beeson Professor of Biblical Preaching, Emeritus, Asbury Theological Seminary. He earned his Ph.D. at Edinburgh University and was awarded a Litt.D. at Los Angeles Pacific College (now Azusa Pacific University). He has written or edited more than 30 books. Donald E. Demaray, known affectionately as “Dr. Don,” loves people and invests himself helping soul-searchers discover the riches and depths of the spiritual life. This explains the motive behind his renderings of Thomas à Kempis’ Imitation of Christ, Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence, and St. Francis’ Little Flowers. Students use these books in his Christian Classics course at Asbury Theological Seminary. Also at Asbury he taught Christian Healing and has written a text for that course, Experiencing Healing and Wholeness: A Journey in Faith. For teaching homiletics, his Introduction to Homiletics and Proclaiming the Truth guided students in the art of preaching. These courses relate intimately to spiritual formation, which has been the focus of his life and teaching ministry for over 60 years. Sadley, Dr. Demaray died in October 2015.