The Christ Worker: Devotions for Career and Workplace


SKU: 9781609471071 Category: Product ID: 1360

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Weight 1.336 lbs

1 review for The Christ Worker: Devotions for Career and Workplace

  1. Dr. Gary E. Roberts

    The great mission field of the Twenty-First Century is the workplace. As society transitions towards a post-Christian world, men and women of faith will be under increasing pressure to demonstrate authentic religious commitment to a cynical world. The Christ Worker is an invaluable ministry tool to encourage and equip the saints for the marketplace mission field. As formal religious affiliation dwindles, the only Christian that many coworkers will know are the readers of The Christ Worker. Hence, this is a powerful Great Commandment and Great Commission tool to take the love, grace, mercy, and salvation of Christ to the lost. The Christ Worker is a powerful means for encouraging and equipping the reader to be ‘light and salt’ to a dark and dying world and to reject the pernicious temptation of compartmentalizing our faith—church on Sunday then embracing the self-interest and moral relativism of the world on Monday. The Christ Worker reinforces the basic theological and Christian character attributes for a vital relationship with God in a practical and humble fashion. The collective wisdom represented in these daily devotionals are ‘cool drinks of water’ in the workplace desert of conflict, narcissism, stress, and work overload. They are pearls of wisdom on how to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The devotionals provide hope, encouragement, and laughter to the readers enabling them to begin each workday with a word from the Lord.

    One of the great strengths of this book is that each entry is self-contained and provides a coherent message independent of the others; hence, the reader can select those devotionals germane to their needs and life circumstances. In an aggregate sense, the ‘whole is greater than the sum of its parts,’ and clear themes emerge that will speak to the needs of the reader as directed by the Holy Spirit.

    This volume is a reflection of the body of Christ in all its glory—a grand symphony of different personalities, skill sets, and experiences that combine to produce a Romans 8:28 anointing of blessing from workplace situations of all types: the good, the bad, and the mundane. It is my pleasure and honor to reflect upon this collection of gems and to provide the great compliment of the Lord to the faithful editors and authors of The Christ Worker, “well done good and faithful servants.”

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