This book is welcome reading for those entering the world of Christian theology for the first time. It reflects the style of William Barclay whose purpose as a New Testament scholar was to avoid complicated words so that lay people could appreciate the Bible in a non-technical but wise and inspiring fashion. Writing about theology in plain language, but without distorting the subject in the process, is a tough task for any scholar. Dr. Callen has done it superbly and tastefully.
This book will guide beginning students into the world of Christian theology by helping them ask the right questions, find the best answers, and avoid the typical pitfalls along the way-and in language that preserves scholarly content without overloading students with unfamiliar terms.
This book embraces the past tradition of Christian belief, especially its biblical foundations, but it is also sensitive to the times in which we now live. Theology always must help believers to understand their beliefs for every new generation. The author represents the fixed ideas of the biblical past as religious nouns and the more fluid styles of contemporary believing and expressing belief as religious verbs. He believes we must know and affirm whatever is absolutely essential to be Christian, of course. But we also must be and do what such beliefs require and enable.
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