Dynamics of a Journey


SKU: 9781609470258 Category: Tag: Product ID: 1367


The author begins with this intriguing idea: “Imagine that the first time Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat met each other as political leaders, their conversation began with the words, ‘Didn’t we play football together?’ What influences would such an encounter have had on the situation in the Middle East today?”

This is a fascinating story about the development of a conflict prevention scheme in Israel and Palestine over nine years, beginning with a casual conversation and leading to an international, cross-community, annual event for children and young people centered on football (soccer).

This work examines the interpersonal and organizational dynamics involved in the creation and development of an independent, international, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in the United Kingdom, Israel and Palestine from 1993-2003, which focused on conflict prevention through an Olympic sport. Eventually entitled ‘World Sports Peace Project’ (WSPP), its foundation was set in the village of Ibillin in northern Israel and in Bethlehem in the West Bank.

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Weight .421 lbs


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