Demos Shakarian



The story of Demos Shakarian, founder of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI), has been told thousands of times and published in countless forms. However, this is the first comprehensive critical assessment of the man and his work. Tallman begins by examining the origins of Shakarian’s brand of charismatic Christianity, which began with a group of Russian Molokans who interacted with his ancestors in Armenia. He then traces the Shakarian family’s migration to the United States where they founded the First Armenian Pentecostal Church in Los Angeles in 1905 prior to the Azusa Street Revival.

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Weight 1.104 lbs

2 reviews for Demos Shakarian

  1. Vinson Synan

    I first met Demos in 1955 while I was a student at Emmanuel College. He and his pilot spoke in Chapel. I still remember his startling message about the thousands of mainline church people who were receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It was also amazing to see a Pentecostal who was a successful and wealthy businessman. I also remember his airplane pilot who spoke of flying 200 miles on an empty fuel tank. I was honored to meet Demos and shake his hand. Our paths were to cross many times over the following years. A major turning point in my life was at a FGBMFI meeting in Charlotte, NC in 1970 where I was introduced to the Protestant Charismatic renewal. Here I saw a Lutheran pastor speak in tongues. It opened a new chapter in my life and led to a cover story of my life and ministry in the FGBMFI Voice.

  2. D. William Faupel

    In this work Matt Tallman writes the biography of a man who as much as anyone prepared the groundwork for the emergence of the Charismatic Movement, The story of Demos Shakarian, founder of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI), has been told thousands of times and published in countless forms. However, this is the first comprehensive critical assessment of the man and his work. More than any other single factor, the FGBMFI provided both a forum for and gave visibility to the emerging Charismatic Movement within the mainline denominations. Tallman tells the story with grace, objectivity and humor as he chronicles the events in the life of Demos Shakarian.

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